Health Benefits Of Mangoes

Health Benefits Of Mangoes
Many people love this kind of fruit, besides it tastes sweet, mango also has advatages for our body. Lets read...
Health Benefits Of Mangoes
       1.      Nourishing eye
Eye is a part of our body that is very important, therefore, we must care our eyes. Consuming mango regularly can keep our eyes halth because mango contains much  Vit A.
Health Benefits Of Mangoes
      2.       keeping weight
Consuming mango regularly can keep your weight because it contains much vitamin and nutrition. This makes you feel full and able to control high appetite.
Health Benefits Of Mangoes
3.      Preventing any kinds of cancer
Mango contains important compund that is useful for body like quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid Also methilgallat. The compound can prevent any kinds of cancer like breast cancer, prostate cancer, and Also colon cancer
Health Benefits Of Mangoes
4.       preventing anemia
Anemia can disturb our actifities. Consume mango!. This fruit contains ironthat is useful to prevent anemia. Beside that, this fruit also cantains vit E that helps hormonal system works efficiently.
5.       Keeping blood sugar levels
Mango is sweet and sour, but its good for diabetic. Because  consuming mango can help the stabilization of insulin and keep blood sugar levels.
6.      It can beautify our skin
Mango helps skin regeneration, so consuming mango regularly can make the skin bright.
7 imunity
Mango contains much vitamin which is good for imunity. It contains Vit A and C, and also caretonoid that keep our body from infection.

Above are the advantages of mango, therefore, many people like to consume it.

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